摘要:In this study, the effects of the glucose oxidase (GO) and lipase enzyme preparates on the performance of the fullfat active soy flour (ASF) addition on bread making was investigated. For this purpose ASF (0 and 0.5 %), GO (0 and 0 ,0016 %) and lipase (0 and 0,002 %) were added into Type 550 and 650 wheat flour. Flour (gluten, gluten index and Zeleny sedimentation), dough (farinograph and extensograph) and bread ( weight, volume, spesific volume, crumb softness, texture, crumb and crust color) properties were investigated. ASF together with lipase affected the bread properties positively and increased the bread volume, specific volume, crumb texture, and 72 nd hours crumb softness. Lipase gave the best crumb texture and increased green color intensity of bread crumb. GO increased the intensity of crumb whiteness and crust redness. The most acceptable red crust color was obtained by ASF and lipase combination.