摘要:The increasing demand on consumption of Uşak tarhana has promoted relevantly its industrial production. In this study, microbiological and chemical changes together with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast diversity were compared respectively, at the fermentation of home-made tarhana (HMT) and plant scale tarhana (PST) dough. The LAB, total aerobic mesophilic bacteria (TAMB) and yeast-mold counts were proportionally low at HMT than PST dough. Coliform, E. coli and S. aureus counts reduced according to the increasing of acidity at all dough samples. pH and dry-weight of the HMT dough had lower values and higher total acidity than PST. LAB diversity was higher at PST dough during all fermentation days than HMT dough where no significant diversity was detected for yeasts. These results indicated that controlled production of Uşak tarhana at plant-scale provided microbiologically safe and chemically acceptable products as well as wide LAB diversity.