标题:16th SETAC GLB (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry German LanguageBranch) Annual meeting held under the main theme “EcoTOXICOlogy andEnvironmental CHEMISTRY: crossing borders” from 18th to 20th September2011 at Landau
摘要:This report provides a brief review of the 16th annual meeting ofthe German Language Branch of the Society of Environmental Toxicology andChemistry (SETAC GLB) held from September 18th to 20th 2011 at theUniversity Koblenz-Landau at Campus Landau. The event was organized byCarsten Brühl and Ralf B. Schäfer and many members and students ofthe Institute for Environmental Sciences under the main theme“EcoTOXICOlogy and Environmental CHEMISTRY: Crossing borders”.Almost 300 participants enjoyed the scientific program that included 54 oraland 70 poster presentations under seven session themes. In addition, fourinvited keynote speakers and a plenary discussion on biodiversity withrepresentatives from government, academia and industry provided newinsights. The best oral and poster presentations of the meeting were awardedtogether with the annual young scientist award of SETAC GLB for the bestdiploma and doctoral thesis. The proceedings of the meeting (mostly inGerman) including the program and all abstracts is freely available asSupplemental Material.