摘要:The present study examined the degree to which slot machinenear-miss trials, or trials that displayed 2 of 3 winning symbols onthe payoff line, affected response times and win estimations of 12recreational slot machine players. Participants played acommercial slot machine in a casino-like laboratory for courseextra-credit points. Videotaped sessions were later coded toassess trial types and participant response latencies and winestimations for each participant. Results show that all 12participants emitted verbalizations suggesting near-miss trialswere of a higher approximation to a win than non-near-miss losingtrials. Of the 12 participants 8 also demonstrated higher responselatencies following losing trials than following winning trials.Variations across participants' response latencies were attributedto the presence of and response to near miss trials. Theimplications of the near-miss on game preference, resistance toextinction, and the development of a behavioral treatment forpathological gamblers are discussed.