摘要:Previous studies suggest that the effect of color on object identification differs depending upon the type of object identification response required of participants. In the present study, presence versus absence of color (chromaticity) was manipulated under two object identification tasks-speeded naming (priming) and recognition. In a replication and extension of Biederman and Cooper (1992), college students were exposed to a list of 28, 2-dimensional representations of common objects, presented two times in succession (Blocks 1 and 2). Participants orally named each stimulus in Block 1 as it appeared. Under a speeded naming task (Experiments 1 and 2), participants named each stimulus again in Block 2, whereas they produced a recognition response in Experiment 3. For the recognition task, participants were instructed to respond "same" if an object had the same shape as one presented previously, and "different' if it did not. Shape and/or size (Experiment 1) or shape and/or chromaticity (Experiments 2 and 3) of the objects could change between their first and second exposures. Changes in shape increased the latencies of correct speeded naming responses in both Experiments 1 and 2, whereas changes in size and chromaticity did not. In contrast, changes in chromaticity resulted in a sharp increase in recognition latencies for "same" responses in Experiment 3. The results indicate that object chromaticity was incidentally coded during the first exposure even though this stimulus dimension did not affect speeded naming. The results are consistent with a history of differential reinforcement of stimulus response relationships for different object-identification responses.