摘要:The aim of this study was to provide a demonstration ofequivalence-equivalence responding based on the abstraction ofcommon formal properties, thus extending the functional-analyticmodel of analogical reasoning shown by Barnes, Hegarty, andSmeets (1997). In Experiment 1, 9 college students were taught,using a delayed matching-to-sample procedure, to choose aparticular nonsense syllable in the presence of each of four blue andfour red geometric shapes. In a subsequent test, all 9 subjectsdemonstrated equivalence formation based on the abstraction ofcolor by consistently matching nonsense syllables related to samecoloredshapes to each other. Of these 9 subjects, 8 then showedequivalence-equivalence responding in which equivalence relationsfrom the previous part of the experiment were related to otherequivalence relations and nonequivalence relations were related toother nonequivalence relations. In Experiment 2, 3 out of 4 additionalsubjects showed this analogical-type responding based on largerrelational networks than those established in Experiment 1, and inExperiment 3, 3 further subjects showed analogical respondingbased on the abstraction of the relatively complex property of age.