摘要:Debates have ensued over whether fear conditioning ismainly a function of the strength of the aversive unconditionedstimulus (UCS) or the severity and intensity of the unconditionedresponse (UCR). The present study introduces a novel andclinically relevant preparation to test these competing hypotheses.Sex-balanced groups of undergraduate participants (N = 96) wereassigned to one of three conditioned stimuli (CS) differing in fearrelevance (snake, heart, and flowers) and within each CS, to either20% or 13% CO2-enriched air as UCSs. Autonomic(electrodermal, heart rate) and self-report (SUDS) conditionedresponses (CRs) at acquisition and extinction were predicted from(a) UCS intensity (20% vs. 13% CO2-enriched air), and (b) UCRintenSity. UCS intensity predicted autonomic CRs duringacquisition and extinction, but not SUDS CRs during extinction.However, these UCS-CR relations were almost completelymediated by UCR intensity. Findings suggest that UCS intensity islimited as a predictor of conditioning, and that UCR intensity is amore robust predictor of fear conditioning. We discuss theconditions that may account for the differential predictive value ofthe UCS and UCR in explaining fear onset.