标题:The economics of industrial property rights: use of geographical indications as marketing strategy for competitiveness of wine sub-sector in Republic of Macedonia
摘要:We analyze the importance of the industrial property rights and the competitiveness of wine sub-sector in four wine-producing countries in order to present geographical indications as a powerful marketing strategy for competitiveness. In the Macedonian agricultural sector, there is a low level of awareness for the economic benefits of industrial property rights. Macedonia has a competitive wine sector, as result of the factor conditions, particularly in tradition, geographic and climate conditions (Balassa index 3.83), but unfortunately the bulk wine has the largest share in export of 87%. The consequences of neglecting the legal protection of industrial property rights could lead to losing the market position of the producers or unsuccessful promotion and export orientation of the products.....U radu se analizira značenje prava industrijskog vlasništva i konkurentnosti podsektora vinarstva u četiri regije koje se koje se bave proizvodnjom vina, kako bi se prikazalo geografsko podrijetlo kao snažna marketinška strategija za konkurentnost. U makedonskom poljoprivrednom sektoru vrlo je niska svijest o ekonomskim pogodnostima koje donosi pravo industrijskog vlasništva. Makedonija ima konkurentan vinarski sektor, što proizlazi iz čimbenika uvjeta, posebice tradicije, geografskih i klimatskih uvjeta (Balassa index 3.83). Nažalost, glavnina vina se izvozi (87%). Posljedice zanemarivanja pravne zaštite u smislu prava industrijskog vlasništva mogle bi dovesti proizvođače do gubljenja pozicija na tržištu ili neuspješne promocije i izvozne orijentacije proizvoda.