摘要:From October 31 - November 7, 1990, the Abhishiktananda Society of Delhi called together some 26 men and women, Hindu and Christian, for a shared life of mediation and study around the chosen topic. The Rajpur Retreat and Study Centre, near Dehra Dun in the foothills of the Himalayas, provided the setting for such a venture which must surely have rejoiced the heart of Sawmi Abhishiktananda himself (Dom Le Saux). Furthermore, the Swami, the sale of whose books enabled us to have the physical enjoyment of such a location, must have been delighted that the moment had come for such an encounter of spirits, a sharing of that "unique splendor of the Self where no one is left in its presence to exclaim How beautiful it is!" Or, as John of Ruysbroeck wrote: "Here the man possesses the essential and supernatural unity of his spirit, as his own dwelling-place and as his own eternal, personal heritage."