This study followed numerous simulations of the stress field distribution in damaged composite cross-ply laminates, which were subjected to uni-axial loading. These results led us to elaborate an energy criterion. The related criterion, a linear fracture-based approach, was used to predict and describe the initiation of the different damage mechanisms. Transverse crack damage was generally the first observed damage. The second type of damage was longitudinal cracking and/or delamination. The stress field distribution in the damaged cross-ply laminates was analysed through an approach that used several hypotheses to simplify the damage state. The initiation of transverse cracking and delamination mechanisms was predicted. The proposed results concern the evolution of the strain energy release rate associated to the evolution of transverse cracking and delamination. As in several studies in the literature, to quantify the evolution of the damage mechanisms in the present approach, the laminate is supposed to be pre-damaged.