With the increased acceptability of generational differences at the workplace, generation-Y employees arebeginning to become featured at the workplace, with radical changes in their work values. In the case ofMalaysia, theorists and practitioners are keenly interested to investigate the reasons behind one of this workplacerelated behaviours, which is high turnover stemming, particularly from this cohort, due to organisational andeconomic benefits of retaining such employees. This conceptual paper attempts to address generation-Y’s highturnover intention from the perspective of Person-Environment fit. This generation may experience lack of fitwith communicated or supplied work values, as many of its work values are not well known to employers.However, it is not substantiated which type of work values fit may impact the behavioural intention for thegeneration Y workforce. However, this paper elaborates how each work values fit may or may not affect thedecision to quit.