摘要:Cancer is one the leading causes of death in developed countries and the second leading cause of death indeveloping countries. Awareness and knowledge of the danger of cancer and the need for cancer screening andearly detection can reduce the risk of cancer-related deaths. This study examines the level of awareness andknowledge of cancer, cancer risk factors and the need for cancer screening among the general public in the statesof Kedah and Perlis. This study also examines the relationship between residential location and education leveland the awareness and knowledge of cancer. Findings from 544 respondents from urban, suburban and ruralareas in Kedah and Perlis showed that even though a high percentage of the respondents know about cancer,their level of awareness for the need for cancer screening is still low. Education, access to healthcare facilitiesand socio-cultural factors still influenced the likelihood of the people to go for cancer screening and get cancertreatment. Therefore, health information and communication and cancer screening awareness campaign shouldbe intensified to reach the public especially to the rural population. These efforts and initiatives can increasepublic access to information about cancer, and cancer screening and treatment facilities among the ruralpopulation, and especially those belonging to high-risk groups.