摘要:Process of transition movements in Republic of Sebia is in progress. Transition movements have not bypassed agrarian sector. Market agriculture should gain significance along this process. On this occasion we would like to emphasis two elements which affect development of Market Agriculture. Those are regionalization and specialization of agriculture. In study about agrarian regions in conditions of transition two charts are given, that pinpoint the essence of natural foundation and market opportunities in transition circumstances. Study of agro-identities starts with introspection of each reagion in respect of its natural values: plain (Vojvodina), hilly ( Sumadija), mountain-hilly (Pester). Therefore, plain region is specialized for production of stable livestocking (cattle and hogs), mountain-hilly is based on pasture (sheep and cattle) etc. Regional disposition of some types of livestocking is limited by natural conditions and structure of agricultural area. Essentially, the level of livestock farming has been determined by economic progress of the region and Market development. The certain other regions are specialized in viticulture, fruit-growing or vegetable growing (vicinity of big cities). In time of transition, i.e. transferring to Market Agriculture, issue of regional identity has become more actual than ever. This could be best illustrated on the example of forming specialized cooperatives, agricultural markets and companies (plum and apple production and other agricultural cropping) spread throughout particular areas of Serbia.