摘要:While the development, processing and logistics of fossil resources is extremely concentrated and monopolysed, the production and utilisation of renewable energy – with the exception of larger hydroelectric plants – is deconcentrated. It is especially important that the renewable sources of energy available to us might play a decisive role in the uprise of the Hungarian countryside, as green energy production might be profitable even in areas where the land is less suitable for agriculture. There is a hot sea beneath 40% of the territory of the country. Energy derived from this sea could be used to attain various local and national goals. Utilising solar energy on a local scale is an opportunity to earn extra income, and opportunity which exists even in the most underprivileged villages and micro-regions. The national renewable energy strategy developed by the author would allow Hungary to cover 38.2% of its then 1300 PJ of energy consumption from renewable sources by 2030. It would also create 192 176 new, permanently sustainable jobs.
关键词:renewable energy strategy;rural development;local benefits;Renewable Energy Advisory Service;uprise of the countryside