摘要:The study presents a comparison of the disclosure practices, in the social balance, of the social indicators of female workforce participation in the agroindustries Sadia and Perdigão. The analysis of labor indicators can produce relevant information for investors and society in general regarding the protection and the stimulation of female labor. A study of these indicators can also be an important step in understanding the diversity practices of Sadia and Perdigão which, due to their size and social and economic contributions, are natural candidates for becoming benchmarks in the agribusiness sector. The study uses the database of the Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analysis, specialized literature, information from the social balance of both industries and data from the Monthly Labor Research of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, covering the period from 2002 until 2006. Despite the growth of female participation, a balance between male and female labor, especially in management positions, has not yet been reached.