摘要:This report represents a synthesis of individual reports and notes prepared by each team member. The first three points in the terms of reference (TOR), provide an overview of current S&T research institutions and programs in Mali. Promising S&T products and needed support services are identified to encourage rapid uptake (4th item on the TOR). This discussion is divided into two sub-sections: one presents the key findings concerning crops and the other deals with livestock. These sections include the team’s recommendations for product- or subsector-based activities to be pursued in Mali by researchers, extension services, and public and private sector actors involved in different levels of the value-chain. Cross-cutting issues that affect technology development and uptake across multiple products and subsectors (5th item on the TOR) are analyzed. Key issues discussed are research and extension capacity; the role of natural resource and water management in stimulating agricultural productivity growth and reducing production risk; and downstream institutional constraints such as regulatory issues that limit uptake and dissemination of S&T products. Resolutions are discussed.
关键词:food security;food policy;Mali science and technology research;research and extension