摘要:Despite several cost-effective and flexible characteristics of cloud computing, some clients are reluctant to adopt this paradigm due to emerging security and privacy concerns. Organization such as Healthcare and Payment Card Industry where confidentiality of information is a vital act, are not assertive to trust the security techniques and privacy policies offered by cloud service providers. Malicious attackers have violated the cloud storages to steal, view, manipulate and tamper client’s data. Attacks on cloud storages are extremely challenging to detect and mitigate. In order to formulate privacy preserved cloud storage, in this research paper, we propose an improved technique that consists of five contributions such as Resilient role-based access control mechanism, Partial homomorphic cryptography, metadata generation and sound steganography, Efficient third-party auditing service, Data backup and recovery process. We implemented these components using Java Enterprise Edition with Glassfish Server. Finally we evaluated our proposed technique by penetration testing and the results showed that client’s data is intact and protected from malicious attackers.