This study aimed at examining the factors that influence and impact employees’ performance levels within Jordanian Banks. This study is based on quantitative research to test the research hypotheses and reveal the important factors that impact loyalty programs. A convenient sample of 377 employees was selected to represent the population which includes all employees working in the banking sector in Jordan. Based on previous studies and literature, a framework was developed to test the loyalty factors against organization performance. Loyalty factors involve employees’ satisfaction, financial rewards, motivation, performance appraisal, employees’ training and development, employees’ empowerment, internal communication, and work environment. Organizational performance indicators include sales, market share, profit, demand, decision making efficiency, and customers’ satisfaction level. Results of the study revealed that only six factors have significant relationships between loyalty levels and employees' performance. These include financial rewards, employees’ satisfaction, motivation, performance appraisal, internal communication, and employees’ training and development. Financial rewards that involve salaries, bonuses, and commission are the most important factor.