摘要:Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a production and marketing practice of foodproducts that emphasizes organic or nearly organic farming and direct connection betweenconsumers and farmers (Kolodinsky and Pelch). Consumers who join a CSA farm pay amembership fee in exchange for receiving a share of the produce each week during the harvestseason (Demuth). Under this practice, some of the farming risks are distributed back ontoconsumers, and consumers have a chance to become more involved in the process of growingtheir food. Consumers may also feel more connected to both the food system and the naturalenvironment. CSA results in an economic relationship that includes values other than just locallygrown food. It affords farmers a security that is not often achievable without large-scaleoperations, and offers consumers greater contact with the producers of their food and with thefarming process. CSA movement began in Europe about 30 years ago when farmers decided todo something about the fact that they were losing market shares as well as the ability to producediverse crops (Cohen). The birth of CSA movement in the US occurred in the mid 1980s. It isestimated that there are at least 566 CSA farms in the US and Canada and hundreds more aroundthe world (Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association).