摘要:Meeting food and livelihood security needs in developing countries will require the conservationand enhancement of natural resources that contribute to agricultural production. Chief among theresources to be sustainably managed are soils and forests. Failure to protect and improve soils willlead to dramatic decreases in domestic agricultural production and consequent dependence onimported food supplies, an infeasible option in poor countries lacking foreign exchange topurchase foreign foodgrains. Failure to conserve and enhance forests and wooded areas willexpose other resources (especially water and soil) to increased degradation, reducing theavailability of fuel and game and leading to less biodiversity--potentially robbing the rural poor ofneeded resources, with consequences on a regional and even global scale. To address theseproblems, past trends in soil degradation or enhancement and forest conversion and land use needto be charted, the proximate causes of these trends in selected areas of the developing worldshould be identified, and most importantly, likely and perhaps not-so-likely scenarios (involvingdifferent combinations of technologies, policies, and institutional arrangements) and the impact ofthese different scenarios on soils and forests must be considered.