摘要:United States producer organizations spend millions of dollars on generic advertising of both beefand pork and other promotion programs designed to stimulate consumers' demand for meat. Producers need to know if the money allocated to generic advertising and these promotionprograms is effective in increasing the demand for meat. Past research disagreed about theeffectiveness of generic advertising. Models of Ward and Lambert and Brester and Schroeder arereestimated and tested for misspecification. The 5:1 return on beef generic advertising found byWard and Lambert has been widely quoted and has been used to justify spending on genericadvertising. The conflicting findings about generic advertising effectiveness are shown to beprimarily due to the data transformation used by Ward and Lambert. Results indicate that genericadvertising does not substantially increase meat demand. However, the advertising elasticities areestimated inaccurately enough that we can also not reject that advertising is a breakeveninvestment.
关键词:beef; confirmation; demand; generic and branded advertising; misspecification testing;pork; Rotterdam model