摘要:Faced with explosive population and business growth, arid-area cities such as Las Vegas,Nevada, are scheduling water supply projects far into the next century. The city now relies onNevada's small share of the Colorado River and meager local renewable water supplies. Substantialdeposits of ground water of adequate quality located at some distance from the population center area possible supply option. This paper develops a model for analyzing the economic feasibility andthe optimal investment path for water supply for Las Vegas. We forecasted residential, industrial,and other municipal demands and the schedule of increasing costs of the water supply options. Adynamic programming model determines the optimal groundwater pumping projects in temporal andspatial dimensions along with other static water supply projects, and determines the quantity andprice of water available in the region. When groundwater pumping is a supply option, the optimalrate of groundwater usage must account for the increasing costs of pumping from greater depths.Dynamics of groundwater usage is found to alter the sequence that these projects are scheduled tomet Las Vegas water demands.