摘要:Transforming Agrarian Economies: Opportunities Seized, OpportunitiesMissed. By Thomas P. Tomich, Peter Kilby and Bruce F. Johnston,Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1995. pp xx + 474, ISBN 0-8014-8245-3(paperback).As its title suggests, this book is about the structural transformation thatpoor agrarian economies with abundant labour must undergo if poverty is tobe reduced. For a typical CARL (country with abundant labour) witharound three-quarters of its labour force engaged in agriculture, with afundamental shortage of capital, and with malfunctioning markets andgovernment administrations, the prospects for poverty eradication mightseem bleak. Yet, as the authors show in their historical perspective, this is atransformation which almost all of the now `developed' countries havesuccessfully negotiated. Moreover, the evidence is clear that, while there aresome fundamentals that must be got right, there is no one path to follow.Rather, di.erent countries, with di.erent resource endowments and facingdi.erent market opportunities, must ¢nd the path that meets theircircumstances.