摘要:I n various forums during the past eighteen months, we have often heard it said that more farm price and income variability in agricultural commodity markets would certainly follow passage of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (1996 Act). A base for this conventional wisdom has been, first, lower crop cartyover stOcks of the past few years and, second, dramatic price fluctuations for major commodities in 1996 and 1997. These events have raised concerns that the 1996 Act, with its provisions for a diminished role of government in market intervention, will contribute to increased price variability, and consequently income variability, in these major markets. Our view, presented at a Senate hearing on volatility, is that there is no compelling argument to make us believe that price and income variability for most major commodities will be much different than during the recent decades prior to the 1996 Act.