摘要:The public sector has traditionally provided information to agriculture. Concern about government defi cits and scarcity of public reso urces has led ro increased scrutiny of government programs and reevaluation of publicly provided information. Here we assess the performance and future of the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS), a publicly funded program to provide weather information. We identi fY CIMIS users and show that, at least in this case, the benefits of CIMIS far outweigh the cos ts. The program increases productivity and saves water; encourages adoption of modern technologies, such as drip irrigation; has unexpected spillover benefits, affecting users beyond the range of intended benefi ciaries; and has the potential to generate revenue or be priva tized. CIMIS demonstra tes how provision of information by the public sector improves effi ciency and benefi ts a variety of users. It provides a model for similar programs elsewhere.