摘要:Mergers, acquisitions, and internal growth among grocery retailers, largely since1996, have increased the share of grocery store sales accounted for by the largest4, 8, and 20 food retailers nationwide. Similar consolidation is occurring amongfood wholesalers. At the same time, new packaged and branded produce items aregaining acceptance with consumers and vying for shelf space in the supermarketproduce department. Growers, shippers, and their trade associations fear the possi-bility of fewer buyers for their products, particularly if new marketing and tradepractices such as volume incentive rebates and slotting fees become widespread.This report uses data from the Censuses of Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade andindustry sources to examine changes in produce markets and market channels from1987 to 1997 in the United States. It is the first in a series of reports that willexamine competitive behavior in the produce industry.
关键词:produce; market channels; fresh fruit and vegetables; consumption;foodstores; foodservice; food-at-home; food-away-from-home; wholesalers; super-;markets; consolidation