摘要:Biodiesel is a term that covers a broad array of fuels and fueladditives derived from various feedstocks each having specificproperties. Biodiesel is commonly defined as a methyl or ethylester derived from vegetable oils, animal fats or various waste fatsand oils.Raw vegetable oils and fats, while exhibiting some characteristicsof petroleum oil, are generally unsuitable for use in modern dieselengines without either modification to the engine or the fat source.A process known as esterification modifies the fat source in thecase of biodiesel. In esterification the fat source is reactedwith an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. The reaction breaksthe fat tryglyceride into its various individual components andyields a crude glycerin byproduct.The esterification reaction converts the raw fat source into amaterial that is highly compatible with modern diesel fuels anddiesel engine technology. In Europe the fat source is primarilyrapeseed oil while the US primary feedstock is soybean oil.Market Penetration:The question posed by USDA Outlook Conference Organizers, "Willthere be enough.", can not be answered without the answer to anotherquestion. For what.