摘要:In the last half-century, agriculture and rural communities have undergone a series of changes,the pace of which has accelerated in recent years. These changes have been attributed to anumber of forces, including changes in consumer preferences led by demographic shifts,increased global competition forcing a continuous drive towards efficiency improvements,attempts–albeit erratic ones–to shift government policies away from agriculture and towardsrural areas in general, and changes in technology (Barr, 1998; Senauer, Asp, and Kinsey, 1991,pp.1-12; Saxowsky and Duncan, 1998). Many of these changes in agriculture and ruralcommunities accelerated in times of economic difficulties such in the 1980s (Cobia, 1997;Diersen, Janssen, and Loewe, 2000; Murdock and Leistritz, 1988; and Stefanson and Fulton,1997). The result of these ongoing changes is a move to an industrialized supply system drivenby consumer demand in which production agriculture is but a link in the chain.