摘要:In 1995, 167 mil lion chil dren un der five years old—al most one-third of developing- country chil dren—were mal nour ished. Mal -nu tri tion causes a great deal of hu man suf fer ing, and it is a vio -la tion of a child's hu man rights. It is as so ci ated with more thanhalf of all deaths of chil dren world wide. Peo ple who sur vive amal nour ished child hood are less physi cally and in tel lec tu allypro duc tive and suf fer from more chronic ill ness and dis abil ity.The costs to so ci ety are enor mous. Eradi cat ing mal nu tri tion re -mains a tre men dous pub lic pol icy chal lenge. Which types ofin ter ven tions will have the great est im pact in re duc ing childmal nu tri tion. The study on which this brief is based uses na -tional data for 63 coun tries over 1970–96 to ex plore this ques -tion.