摘要:Travelling stock reserves (TSRs) were established in Australia as a way of allowing thepassage of livestock through settled lands to facilitate stocking of new lands. Subsequently,they remained important as a way of moving livestock from property to property or fromproperty to market. Today, the area of land dedicated to TSRs in NSW is estimated at 2.3million hectares, which are used more as a source of feed than as a livestock thoroughfare.The value of TSRs as a source of feed is particularly important during drought periods, andpricing of access for walking stock has become a subject of contention within the RuralLand Protection Boards (RLPB). The price of TSR permits for walking stock isconsiderably lower than for agistment, thereby compromising the capacity of the system tobe self-funding. The objective of this study is to explore possible pricing arrangements usinga derived demand approach. A representative linear programming model was developed fora farm in Nyngan, NSW. The model was used to obtain estimates of the demand elasticityfor TSR services with respect to their own price, the price of supplementary feeds and theprice of wool. The effect of drought on these elasticities was also explored.
关键词:travelling stock reserves; derived demand; grazing; linear programming