摘要:In this paper, we examine whether the causes and patterns of Mexican rural femalemigration differ significantly from rural male migration. A number of hypotheses arediscussed to explain why female migration may differ from male migration, with aparticular emphasis on the role of migrant networks. Using data from a nationalsurvey of rural Mexican households in the ejido sector, significant differencesbetween the determinants of male and female migration are found. While evidencesuggests that networks play an important role in female migration, we find that,contrary to case study evidence, female networks are not more influential than malenetworks in female migration. In fact, female and male networks are found to besubstitutes, suggesting they serve similar functions in female migration. Althoughfemale migrant networks do not play a special role in the female migration decision,the destination of female migrants is strongly influenced by the location of femalenetwork migrants.