摘要:om e road- pr i ci ng demonst rati ons use an appr oach call ed "val ue pr ici ng", in whi ch tr avelers canchoose bet ween a fr ee but congested roadway and a pri ced roadway. Recent resear ch hasuncover ed a pot enti all y ser ious pr obl em for such demonst rati ons: in cert ain models, second- bestt ol ls ar e far lower than those typicall y charged, and t he wel fare gains from pr ofi t maxim izati on ar esmall or even negat i ve. That research, however , assum es that al l tr aveler s ar e ident i cal, and it t herefor e neglect s the benefi ts of pr oduct dif fer enti at i on, by which people wit h dif f er ent val ues oft im e can choose a suit abl e cost / qual i ty com binat i on. Usi ng a model wit h two user groups, we fi ndt hat account i ng for heter ogenei t y in value of ti m e is im port ant in evaluati ng constr ained poli ci es, and impr oves the rel at ive per for mance of pol icies that off er di ff er ent ial pri ces. Never thel ess, for m ost of the reasonable r ange of heter ogenei t y, second-best pr icing produces f ar fewer benef i ts t hanpri ci ng both roadways opt im al ly, and pr of it - maxi m izing tol ls ar e so hi gh that over al l wel far e isr educed fr om the no- toll baseli ne.
关键词:value pri ;ci ;ng; ;congesti ;on pr ;ici ;ng; val ;ue of ;tim ;e; road pr ;ici ;ng; hi ;gh occupancy/ ;toll ;l ;anes