摘要:The value of sportfishing in the Snake River Basin in Central Idaho was measured using a two-stage/disequilibrium travel model. The two-stage/disequilibrium model does not require monetization ofrecreationists' travel time as required of traditional equilibrium labor market travel cost models. Themodel was estimated using Poisson regression, appropriate for count data when over-dispersion isabsent, and adjusted for endogenous stratification (self selection bias) . Contrary to expectations thatanglers living close to the sites with low values would be over represented in the sample, theendogenous stratification adjustment caused estimated consumers surplus to decline from $42 perperson per trip before adjustment for endogenous stratification to $35 after adjustment. The averagenumber of sportfishing trips per year was 6.72, resulting in an average annual willingness-to-pay of$236 per year per angler.