摘要:The aim of this paper is to develop a comprehensive conceptual framework for theanalysis of institutions, policiesand farming systemsfor agri-environmentalsustainabilityin Central and Eastern European countries in transition. The basic unit ofanalysis is the "agri-environmental action scenario'. The action scenario consists of a setof components which together shape the outcomes of an agri-environnmental actionsituation. The framework consists of 1) the environmental effects of transition, 2) poli-cies, 3) institutions, and 4) farming systems. We aim at characterising these key ele-ments of the framework, their relationship and interactions, and their role in achievingsustainability at the interface between agriculture and the environment. Environmentalareas of concern are: water, soiland biodiversity. The paper intends to create a commonunderstanding of basic concepts and a shared conceptual model among the members ofthe Central and Eastern European Sustainable Agriculture (CEESA) Network. Theframework will be adapted according to new insights and findings during the course ofresearch activities of the CEESA research project.