摘要:Primary Industries and Resources SA is an economic development agency of the South Australian Government. The PIRSA portfolio is a broad one, including agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, minerals and energy resources, and sustainable resources associated with these industries, with the notable exception of water. Allocating public resources in an economic development context across this diverse range of industry and resource issues requires, among other things, a rigorous framework and a means of communicating economic information to decision makers that can be effectively absorbed and applied. In this paper, PIRSA involvement across the breadth of these sectors is discussed and analysed from an efficiency or market failure perspective. The pricing of the services provided in these markets is discussed under a ‘beneficiary pays’ principle. The potential economic impact of intervention is outlined for a variety of productivity and demand improving shocks in these markets, utilising the Monash MRF general equilibrium model.
关键词:primary industry and resources;public policy;resource allocation