摘要:Qualitative and quantitative methods in social science research have long beenseparate spheres with little overlap. However, recent innovations have highlighted thecomplementarity of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The Accra Food andNutrition Security Study was designed to incorporate the participation of a variety ofconstituencies in the research, and to rely on a variety of approaches—both qualitativeand quantitative—to data collection and analysis.This paper reviews the way in which qualitative and quantitative methods were usedin the Accra study. The argument of the paper is that the complementary use ofqualitative and quantitative approaches provides a greater range of insights andperspectives and permits triangulation or the confirmation of findings by differentmethods, which improves the overall validity of results, and makes the study of greater useto the constituencies to which it was intended to be addressed. But the search for trulycomplementary methods presents substantial challenges as well. These include extracosts, both in financial and human terms, ethical dilemmas regarding follow-up, and theneed for teamwork and respect for different methodological and epistemological positions.