摘要:The GAPVU cash transfer program is an important safety net for urbanMozambique. The coverage of the program is impressive within the urban sector,reaching about 16 percent of all urban households. Although the mean transfer amount isjust over a dollar per capita per month, it still represents about 13 percent of thebeneficiaries' per capita consumption. Despite limited enforcement of means testing,nearly two-thirds of the beneficiary population are deemed to be absolutely poor by amodest poverty line. Net of GAPVU transfers, the proportion in poverty would have beenabove 70 percent. Limited evidence on nutritional and other nonconsumption indicators issuggestive of the GAPVU beneficiary households being more deprived than urbanhouseholds in general. GAPVU transfer benefits are progressive among the beneficiaryhouseholds, and are not confined to those near the poverty line.