摘要:Hopes are running high that the Association of American Medical Colleges' (AAMC) report, Academic Information in the Academic Health Sciences Center: Roles for the Library in Information Management, will receive the attention and care it so richly deserves following publication this month as a 120-page supplement to the Journal of Medical Education. Funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the study was ably prepared by principal investigator Nina Matheson with the help of a well-respected advisory committee of medical educators and librarians. The report represents a refreshing departure from the oftentimes pie-in-the-sky rhetoric that has assailed us in recent years-both from the popular and professional press-in which the revolution in information technology and an impending shift from print to electronic forms of publication are sketched in generalized terms, and skeptical concern is frequently expressed about the future role of libraries in the brave new world. By contrast, the AAMC study provides a draft road map in specific and comprehensible terms of what may realistically develop.