摘要:A significant milestone for the year 1958 is the publication of Volume XXII, Supplement Two, of the Dictionary of American Biography. Included are Americans of historical importance in the broad terms of social history who died between January 1, 1936, and December 31, 1940. Supplement One, published in 1944, included those who died between the preparation of the original volumes and December 31, 1935. This latest volume, in articles ranging from 600 to 7000 words, contains the miniature biographies of 585 Americans, including such distinguished figures as William "Billy" Mitchell, John Hays Hammond, Elihu Root, Thomas Wolfe, Newton D. Baker, Benjamin N. Cardozo, and James Harvey Robinson. Crane Brinton's article on Robinson and Philip C. Jessup's article on Root are of outstanding excellence.