摘要:Although an entirely new work, this regional list serves as a revision of A Catalogue of Scientific Periodicals in Libraries of the Maritime Protinces, published in 1936 by the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, and edited by Dr. Ernest Hess. Patterned after the Union List of Serials in the United States and Canada, the catalog includes the holdings of twenty-seven libraries in the Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland. There are 1417 entries, not including numerous cross references. The arrangement is alphabetical by latest title, with the exception of publications of associations or societies, which are entered under author and title. Institutions are entered under place, with no cross reference from the name of the institution. Place of publication is not given for non-society periodicals, unless there are two journals with the same title. Only a few pertinent government documents have been included. The Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards is entered under title, with cross references from National Bureau of Standards and from United States, whereas the Journal of the National Cancer Institute is entered under National Cancer Institute, Journal, with no cross reference either from United States or from direct title. Since only one of the libraries whose holdings are listed in this little volume is in the Union List or its supplements (Dalhousie University Medical and Dental Library), this list will be a valuable key to the scientific and technical serial resources of the participating libraries.