摘要:This report is for the period from May 18, 1927, to August 31, 1928, approximately fifteen and a half months. The repoits of the various Officers are also for the same period as it was considered advisable to close all business as of August 31, 1928, leaving a clean slate for the incoming Officers. Immediately following the business session held at Washington on May 17, 1927, the Committee met and organized by the election of James F. Ballard, Director of the Boston Medical Library, as Chairman, and Miss Frances N. A. Whitman, Librarian of the Harvard Medical School, as Secretary. The three newly elected members, Miss Jean Cameron, Librarian of the MeGill Medical Library, Miss Whitman and Mr. Ballard as well as Dr. Archibald Malloch, President, and Miss Sue Biethan, Secretary, were present.