摘要:Social and emotional development is considered
as an important factor in child development, especially considering its
importance in child school readiness. Social and emotional development consists
of the relationships an individual has with others, the level of self-control,
and the motivation and perseverance a person has during an activity. This study
examined the relationship between children’s preschool social and emotional
development and their academic success in primary school. There were 96
children from Pristine participating in the study, 28 of them in the first
grade, 32 in the second grade, 15 in the third grade
and 21 in the fourth grade.
To determine the relationship between children’s social and emotional
development, during their preschool years, the ELDS assessment form was used,
while for their academic achievements in each grade, the ELDS assessment form
was used for their grades in two subjects. Several hierarchical regressions
were used to determine the relationship between children’s social and emotional
development, during their preschool years and their academic success. The
results of this study revealed that the social and emotional development showed
significant predictive value for the first, second and third grade criterion
variables. While for the fourth grade, there was no significant predictive
关键词:Social-Emotional Development; Academic Success; School Readiness