摘要:Image registration is wildly used in
the biomedical image, but there are too many textures and noises in the biomedical
image to get a precise image registration. In order to get the excellent registration
performance, it needs more complex image processing, and it will spend
expensive computation cost. For the real time issue, this paper proposes edge
gradient direction image registration applied to Computer Tomography(CT) image and Ultrasonography (US)
image based on the cooperation of Graphic Processor Unit (GPU) and Central
Processor Unit (CPU). GPU can significantly reduce the computation time. First,
the CT image slice is extracted from the CT volume by the region growing and
the interpolation algorithm. Secondly, the image pre-processing is employed to
reduce the image noises and enhance the image features. There are two kinds of
the image pre-processing algorithms invoked in this paper: 1) median filtering
and 2) anisotropic diffusion. Last but not least, the image edge gradient
information is obtained by Canny operator, and the similarity measurement based
on gradient direction is employed to evaluate the similarity between the CT and
the US images. The experimental results show that the proposed architecture can
distinctively improve the efficiency and are more suitably applied to the real