objective of this study is to reveal the negative impacts of the practices of
acadjas on the Aheme lake in Benin. Various material and methods were used for
the measures of the physicochemical parameters such as: colorimetric HACH
DR/890, the multiparameter WTW 340i and specific kits for the dosage of
minerals. Also, the investigations were made with the resources by persons. It
emerges from this study that the practices of acadjas asphyxiate and disturb
the lake species. In fact, the concentrations in dissolved oxygen became very
weak (1595 mg/L to 3740 mg/L), and the contents of nitrites (2, 25 mg/L to 14,
5 mg/L), suspension materials and turbidity are raised. The consequences both
on the aquatic fauna and on the vegetation of the bank are worrying. The
waterside populations are also threatened. Some actions in an attempt to regulate
the practice of acadjas and promote reforestation of the lagoon bank need to be
put in place.