Ask the office to provide you with a stack of A3-size thin cardboard sheets. Following the example in Figure 1, fill out one card as a sample for the students. First, fold the card in half. Second, on one outside surface write the name you wish to be addressed by in class, in large, clear, dark letters, with the top of the letters toward the fold. This will be page 1. Third, on the other outside surface, write hometown, countries I have visited, hobbies, interests (for examples), with enough space to fill in the name of one's hometown, etc. This will be page 4. Next, open the card. The top part of the card will be page 2, and the bottom part will be page 3. Now on page 3, write from the top down and left to right, the day and date of each scheduled class meeting for the entire term. Write "=" after each date and make sure that there is at least an inch of space between the columns, and a half inch, more or less, between the rows. Now, on page 3, write on the center of the page, clearly and neatly, your full name the way it will appear on school records. Write it first in romaji, and below that, write it in kanji (if it can be). Now, below your name, write your student number. Finally, paste a small photograph of yourself in the right hand upper corner of the page.