摘要:Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is caused Surveillance System (NNDSS). The data in this by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae and report are provisional and subject to change as results in illnesses such as pneumonia, bacte- laboratory results and additional case informa-raemia and meningitis. There are currently 92 tion become available. The data are analysed serotypes recognised worldwide and it has been by diagnosis date and were extracted on 16 May a nationally notifiable disease in Australia since 2013. Consideration of vaccination status of cases 2001. The Communicable Diseases Network is outside the scope of this report. More detailed Australia (CDNA) established the Enhanced analyses will be available in national surveillance Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Surveillance reports on vaccine preventable diseases pub-Working Group (EIPDSWG) in 2000 to assist in lished by the National Centre for Immunisation developing and implementing a nationally stand- Research and Surveillance (NCIRS).ardised approach to the enhanced surveillance of IPD in Australia. This quarterly report docu- In Australia, pneumococcal vaccination is recom-ments trends in notifications of IPD occurring in mended as part of routine immunisation for chil-Australia in the first quarter of 2013 (1 January to dren, the medically at risk and older Australians. 31 March 2013).