期刊名称:ŽIVOT I ŠKOLA, časopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja
出版社:Faculty of philosophy Osijek, Faculty of education in Osijek 31 000 Osijek, L. Jagera 9
摘要:Education of children with disabilities has becoming a more prominent topic in schools in Vojvodina. Physical Education and its teachers play an important role in the process of integration. The aim of this research was to determine the differences between the levels of motor skills of pupils with and without disabilities and to see in what curriculum areas the differences are found. The task of the research was to determine the levels of motor skills of both groups of pupils and compare them. The hypothesis that the levels of motor skills of the pupils without any disorder (n=57) are higher than the levels of the same skills of the pupils with a certain disorder (n=28) in elementary schools in Vojvodina. The results show major differences in favor of the healthy population except in two tests in which pupils with disabilities have achieved higher scores. Both groups have similar Physical Education curriculum and some changes are necessary in order to make it more appropriate for the children with disabilities.