摘要:Since the discover y of rotaviruses in 1973, at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne,1they have been recognised as a leading cause of severe and acute diarrhoeal illness in young children through out the world. The global burden of rot aviral disease was rec ently estimated as 111 million cases requiring home c are, 25 million cases requiring medical attent ion, one million requiring hospital isation and 440,000 deaths in children aged less than fi ve years, annually.2In the United States of America (USA), rotaviral infections are responsible for an estimated 50 0,000 physic ian visits, 50,000 hospital-isations and 20 to 40 deaths per year.3In Australia, it has been estimated that rotavirus infection is the cause of diarrhoea in 10,000 of the nearly 20,000 children admit ted to hospital each year with severe diarrhoea.