摘要:Understanding how biological conservation and socioeconomic development can be harmonized in social-ecological systems is at the core of sustainability science. We present the case of a Mediterranean marine protected area (MPA),the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo MPA, that exhibits high ecological performance under intense pressure from fishing, tourism,and coastal development. This case study illustrates how socioeconomic development and significant conservation benefits cancoexist, even in a challenging context. Based on this case study, we present a framework for what elements and interactionshave determined the high ecological performance of this MPA, and highlight the key leverages that have enabled ecosystemrecovery. In particular, the most critical elements underlying high performance were sufficient leadership and knowledge toidentify a conservation vision and to catalyze some key actors in the implementation of this vision. Thus, success was ultimatelydetermined by the ability of the leadership of the MPA to devise and implement an effective strategy, with the support andparticipation of key actors that were external to the MPA organization. The insights from this case study may be applicable toimproving MPA management in other systems with similar characteristics, including high human pressures and the presenceof an MPA authority