摘要:Community based natural resource management (CBNRM) programs aim to link the achievement of conservationobjectives with those of rural development and poverty alleviation. However, after more than a decade of implementation insouthern Africa, there is remarkably little rigorous analysis of their achievements with respect to these goals. An evaluation oftwo CBNRM interventions, the Tchuma Tchato Project in Mozambique and the Kwandu Conservancy in Namibia, measuredthe impacts at the household level using multidimensional poverty indices. The analysis found no positive impacts on the multipledimensions of poverty arising from the Tchuma Tchato initiative in Mozambique. In Kwandu Conservancy in Namibia, positiveimpacts were felt only on household financial capital on a disappointingly narrow scale. These results have important implicationsfor policy makers and program designers and demonstrate the necessity of developing targeted strategies if poverty alleviationoutcomes are to be achieved. Further, if the assumption that the provision of incentives is key to encouraging and maintainingparticipation in CBNRM is correct, the delivery of appropriate benefits that have a sufficient impact at the household level willbe crucial for the long run sustainability of these initiatives
关键词:Africa; community based natural resource management; impact evaluation; Mozambique; Namibia; poverty